The sitcom is based around a modern family who live in the Midlands. The family consists of Colin Craddock, a white Brummie builder, and his Asian wife Rupinder. Colin's two sons from his first marriage, Peter and Leo, share the house, as do Rupinder's half-sister Sima, daughter Kavita and son Raj, a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy. The 'me' in the title was Raj, and his thoughts were heard in a voiceover.
"Best Laid Plans" (29 October 2004)
All our DVDs are in the public domain and never been commercially released or out of print. We pride ourselves at
to bring you quality old classic tv memories.
Item is complete will DVD case which holds all DVDS and complete artwork.
DVD's are region zero - Play in any DVD player worldwide
Running time 660 minutes - complete series 1,2,3
Please do not purchase this item if you are expecting HD quality. Quality of the video and sound is 8 out of 10. Good quality.
If you have any questions - please don't hesitate to contact us